All About Joe!

"This survey is rather short and not very hard...but BE HONEST!!!! and forward it to
everyone you know including the person who sent it to you!" Intro stuff:
1) Name: Joe
2) Nicknames: Joey (ALSO: "BABY JOEY", BY JEN@UNH)
3) Birthday: June 18 1980
4) Any Brothers?: yup, 2..Brian and Tim
5) Any sisters?: nope
6) Where do you  go to school?   University of New Hampshire (NOTE: JOE IS CURRENTLY NOT GOING TO SCHOOL ANYWHERE)
7) What grade are you? uhhhhhhhhhmm uhhmmmm junmore (NOTE: SEE NOTE FOLLOWING QUESTION 6)
8) If in college; what is you're major? Civil Engineering with minor in Environmental Engineering
9) If in high school; what are you GOING to major in?
10) where do you live? Plaistow, NH
11) Do you like it there? ehhh
12) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? hmmmmm either somewhere in western alaska or colorado..
13) Where do you work?  Westville Supply
13a) how long have you worked there? 3 loooong years
13b) How much longer do you think you'll work there?: well; dunno;;; part of me wants to leave hte other part wants to stay
14) How tall are you? 5'10
15) Hair color? brown
16) do you think you're cute? noope Relationship stuff:
14) Do you have a bf/gf?: noope14a) If so, how long have you been going out?:14b) have you ever broken up with him/her?
14c) ever thought the relationship wouldn't make it?
14d) what saved it?14e) if you are single, do you have you're eye set on anyone?: nice day ain''t it?
15) how many bf's/gf's have you had?: 1
16) Are you in love with anyone? (real love, none of that fake crap): guess not
17) Do you see yourself getting married soon? hahhahahahhaha
18) do you believe in love at first sight? ehhh uhmmm maybe
19) believe in fate? kinda
20) how many dates before you get/give a kiss? can't answeR: i only have expeience with psycho.
21) If you could change one thing about you're boyfriend/girlfriend, what would it be? n/a
22) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? LESS SHY
23) If you are single; why aren't you going out with anyone?: If i knew the answer to that, wouldn't be single then would i.
24) if you are going out with someone, and you broke up with you're  boyfriend/girlfriend today, do you think you'd have a hard time finding a new boyfriend/girlfriend?
25) Do you think anyone likes you? if so; who? seriously doubt it.
26) Have you ever asked anyone out? nope
27) If no, why not? cuz ........i never could talk to them...and...can't ask them out through a note, (believe me; i've tried...)
28) Have you ever told someone that you liked them (when they didn't know): nope
29) What do you look for in a guy/girl? Well in a girl; I guess the only thing is that I have fun when i'm with her....everthing else usually falls into place afterwards....and in a guy, I look for................
30)  Are you a good flirter?  hmmmmmmmmmmmm see answers to 14-29
30a) What do you do?   Cool Stuff:
31) Do you have a DVD player? yup31a) WHY NOT!?!
32) What CD is in your CD player right now?  nothing
33) What is the last movie you saw?    Austin Powers: Spy who shagged me....i watched it last night
34) what is you're FAVORITE movie? dunno
35) Favorite song? don't really have one
36) What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Camry
37) what kind of car do you WANT? 1981 White Corvette
38) What is you're FAVORITE  thing to do?  hang out at the beach, being outside and SCUBA DIVING!!!!!!!!! jk
39) Who is you're FAVORITE person?  hmmm i dunno; matt? dan? heather? (WHAT ABOUT DEAN?!?!??!)
40) If you could spend more time with anyone, who woudl it be? ehh some of my friends that i don't see often
41) What was you're favorite TV show as a kid? Fraggle Rock
42) What is you're favorite tV show now? Who's line is it anyways/ drew carey/the simpsons
43) Do you ever watch jerry springer? ha nope..good jerry story: Last wed night my roomate and I were up trying to get our stupid C++ programs to compile, and we were getting really frustrated so we turned ont he TV, and since nothing is on at 1:30 in the morning we watched jerry springer...and, they flashed the "if you have an idea for the jerry springer show number", my roomate called and left his idea on the voice mail.......the following night at 2:30 AM (we were both asleep) the phone rings, and he answers it and it's someone from the jerry springer show calling about the idea, so my roomate says "uh i've got a question, what time zone are you in?" the women says "central" my roomate says "do you realize it's 2:30 in the morning here"..she says "yeah? it's 1:30 in the morning here" there was nothign wrong with calling that early!
44) what is the stupidest thing you've ever done? NOTES!!!!!!
45) what is the smartest thing you've ever done? learning from my mistakes
46) What is the highest level of math you've completed? Calculus IV: Multidimensional Calculus
47) What is the square root of -1?  not possible: only exists in theory for probability calculations as the constant i
48) What is the most embaressing thing that happened to you?  failing calc II (TWICE!!!)
49) What is the one accomplishment that you are most proud of? getting the whole UNH-varney fiasco overturned
50) What is you're favorite quote/saying?:  "that seems about right"
51) What is you're favorite sport? SOCCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word Association:
Say the first thing that comes to you're mind:
school: will it never end?!?! (IT CERTAINLY DID!!!  FOR NOW, AT LEAST)
REM: dreamscollege: unh
work: no work for me this week!
summer: work for me :-(
future: unclear
sex: yeah i read about that in a book once.................
ocean: diving!
mouse: mickey
party: the contract
beach: hampton
mail: never ever get any good mail
day: night
kayak: my dad and I are building one

Name association: Say the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the following names:
Jim: Lanza
Paul: my boss....uhhhg
Jennifer: PSYCHO!!!!!!!!!!
Heather: heather!
Sam: girl that dropped out of my class
Jennessa: told me i should " just stop trying"...actually kinda funny
Dan: Klink
Matt: Lawrence
Holly: Chrismas
Mike: burns (revs defenseman)
Peter: hmmm don't know anyone named peter
Katie: hasfjord...still owe her a couple of CD's
Mark: get that car fixed!
Nicole: no comment there
Joseph: meee
Meg: other piano player in orchestra
Kim: VARNEY!!!!!!!!!!

In  YOU'RE opinion, do you think you are.............
Cute: nope
Sweet: nope
smart: ehhh kinda
athletic: ehhh
talented: ehhh
shy: YES
crazy: YES
dumb: ehh
weird:yeah (see westville summer '99: The pirate years)
(special: YES)

Say one good thing about the person who sent this to you: Jay;s coolSay one bad thing about the person who sent this to you: Had a dream last night that UNH executed was odd.